I grew up with Marianne and Roseanne in Calumet Park, we went to school together through all those years.
It breaks my heart to read this now a month after she was laid to rest.
My heart goes out to her and her family left behind.
I speak for Calumet Jr. High Class of '72 and D.D. Eisenhower Class of '76, rest now friend we shall always remember...
I went to High school with Marianne we had many a good times...the class of "76" will not be the same...I will add the family and her to my prayer list. I am sure she rests well.
To Marianne's Family, I just want to say how sorry I am for your lost, I am a friend of Marianne, I worked with her when she was in South Florida, she was a very good friend and tough me many things. My prayers are with you.